1,150 research outputs found

    Finding flows in the one-way measurement model

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    The one-way measurement model is a framework for universal quantum computation, in which algorithms are partially described by a graph G of entanglement relations on a collection of qubits. A sufficient condition for an algorithm to perform a unitary embedding between two Hilbert spaces is for the graph G, together with input/output vertices I, O \subset V(G), to have a flow in the sense introduced by Danos and Kashefi [quant-ph/0506062]. For the special case of |I| = |O|, using a graph-theoretic characterization, I show that such flows are unique when they exist. This leads to an efficient algorithm for finding flows, by a reduction to solved problems in graph theory.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures: somewhat condensed and updated version, to appear in PR

    Near-equilibrium measurements of nonequilibrium free energy

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    A central endeavor of thermodynamics is the measurement of free energy changes. Regrettably, although we can measure the free energy of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium, typically all we can say about the free energy of a non-equilibrium ensemble is that it is larger than that of the same system at equilibrium. Herein, we derive a formally exact expression for the probability distribution of a driven system, which involves path ensemble averages of the work over trajectories of the time-reversed system. From this we find a simple near-equilibrium approximation for the free energy in terms of an excess mean time-reversed work, which can be experimentally measured on real systems. With analysis and computer simulation, we demonstrate the accuracy of our approximations for several simple models.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Optimal path for a quantum teleportation protocol in entangled networks

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    Bellman's optimality principle has been of enormous importance in the development of whole branches of applied mathematics, computer science, optimal control theory, economics, decision making, and classical physics. Examples are numerous: dynamic programming, Markov chains, stochastic dynamics, calculus of variations, and the brachistochrone problem. Here we show that Bellman's optimality principle is violated in a teleportation problem on a quantum network. This implies that finding the optimal fidelity route for teleporting a quantum state between two distant nodes on a quantum network with bi-partite entanglement will be a tough problem and will require further investigation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, RevTeX

    Semi-autonomous Intersection Collision Avoidance through Job-shop Scheduling

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    In this paper, we design a supervisor to prevent vehicle collisions at intersections. An intersection is modeled as an area containing multiple conflict points where vehicle paths cross in the future. At every time step, the supervisor determines whether there will be more than one vehicle in the vicinity of a conflict point at the same time. If there is, then an impending collision is detected, and the supervisor overrides the drivers to avoid collision. A major challenge in the design of a supervisor as opposed to an autonomous vehicle controller is to verify whether future collisions will occur based on the current drivers choices. This verification problem is particularly hard due to the large number of vehicles often involved in intersection collision, to the multitude of conflict points, and to the vehicles dynamics. In order to solve the verification problem, we translate the problem to a job-shop scheduling problem that yields equivalent answers. The job-shop scheduling problem can, in turn, be transformed into a mixed-integer linear program when the vehicle dynamics are first-order dynamics, and can thus be solved by using a commercial solver.Comment: Submitted to Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC) 201

    Approximating the Minimum Equivalent Digraph

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    The MEG (minimum equivalent graph) problem is, given a directed graph, to find a small subset of the edges that maintains all reachability relations between nodes. The problem is NP-hard. This paper gives an approximation algorithm with performance guarantee of pi^2/6 ~ 1.64. The algorithm and its analysis are based on the simple idea of contracting long cycles. (This result is strengthened slightly in ``On strongly connected digraphs with bounded cycle length'' (1996).) The analysis applies directly to 2-Exchange, a simple ``local improvement'' algorithm, showing that its performance guarantee is 1.75.Comment: conference version in ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (1994

    Spectral and Dynamical Properties in Classes of Sparse Networks with Mesoscopic Inhomogeneities

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    We study structure, eigenvalue spectra and diffusion dynamics in a wide class of networks with subgraphs (modules) at mesoscopic scale. The networks are grown within the model with three parameters controlling the number of modules, their internal structure as scale-free and correlated subgraphs, and the topology of connecting network. Within the exhaustive spectral analysis for both the adjacency matrix and the normalized Laplacian matrix we identify the spectral properties which characterize the mesoscopic structure of sparse cyclic graphs and trees. The minimally connected nodes, clustering, and the average connectivity affect the central part of the spectrum. The number of distinct modules leads to an extra peak at the lower part of the Laplacian spectrum in cyclic graphs. Such a peak does not occur in the case of topologically distinct tree-subgraphs connected on a tree. Whereas the associated eigenvectors remain localized on the subgraphs both in trees and cyclic graphs. We also find a characteristic pattern of periodic localization along the chains on the tree for the eigenvector components associated with the largest eigenvalue equal 2 of the Laplacian. We corroborate the results with simulations of the random walk on several types of networks. Our results for the distribution of return-time of the walk to the origin (autocorrelator) agree well with recent analytical solution for trees, and it appear to be independent on their mesoscopic and global structure. For the cyclic graphs we find new results with twice larger stretching exponent of the tail of the distribution, which is virtually independent on the size of cycles. The modularity and clustering contribute to a power-law decay at short return times

    Flows on Graphs with Random Capacities

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    We investigate flows on graphs whose links have random capacities. For binary trees we derive the probability distribution for the maximal flow from the root to a leaf, and show that for infinite trees it vanishes beyond a certain threshold that depends on the distribution of capacities. We then examine the maximal total flux from the root to the leaves. Our methods generalize to simple graphs with loops, e.g., to hierarchical lattices and to complete graphs.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Connected component identification and cluster update on GPU

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    Cluster identification tasks occur in a multitude of contexts in physics and engineering such as, for instance, cluster algorithms for simulating spin models, percolation simulations, segmentation problems in image processing, or network analysis. While it has been shown that graphics processing units (GPUs) can result in speedups of two to three orders of magnitude as compared to serial codes on CPUs for the case of local and thus naturally parallelized problems such as single-spin flip update simulations of spin models, the situation is considerably more complicated for the non-local problem of cluster or connected component identification. I discuss the suitability of different approaches of parallelization of cluster labeling and cluster update algorithms for calculations on GPU and compare to the performance of serial implementations.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, one table, submitted to PR

    Exact bounds for distributed graph colouring

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    We prove exact bounds on the time complexity of distributed graph colouring. If we are given a directed path that is properly coloured with nn colours, by prior work it is known that we can find a proper 3-colouring in 12log(n)±O(1)\frac{1}{2} \log^*(n) \pm O(1) communication rounds. We close the gap between upper and lower bounds: we show that for infinitely many nn the time complexity is precisely 12logn\frac{1}{2} \log^* n communication rounds.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure